How to Join a Minecraft Server

To join a Minecraft server, you must acquire a server address, which can be a name or numeric combination. By using MinecraftTopzone, you can simply click the “Copy IP” button, and your address will be saved.

An example how server should look

Next, you must launch your Minecraft application and choose the version your chosen server corresponds to (e.g. 1.20, 1.19).

An example how the Minecraft application should look

After that go to multiplayer, where you will find all saved servers. If you haven’t added any servers yet, it will look empty.

An example how the Minecraft server list should look

Afterward, you will need to click on “Add Server” so you can add and save your server of choice.

An example how to add server and join it

On the “Server Name” field, you can enter any Minecraft server name, or leave it empty to populate with the existing one. As for the “Server Address”, you will need to paste the server address, you had previously acquired.
Once everything has been filled, click “Done”, and your server will be added.

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